
[中图分类号]D922.284 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-3306(2024)01-0104-14 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.01.008


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[摘   要]纵观英美等国保险实践,保险公司能够授权超级管理型保险中介(即超级MGA),在全范围内代行保险公司相关业务。相较而言,我国传统保险中介能否转型为超级MGA,目前尚存理论与实践争议。总体上,在国内法规政策风向、保险行业产销分离、保险科技创新等多重因素推动下,国内发展MGA具备一定必要性与现实条件。然而,鉴于国内发展MGA起步较晚,MGA涉及的发展模式、法律界定、法律监管等问题未臻明确,导致保险实践中出现虚挂中介业务等违规乱象。是故,为解决现实争议,首先,宜通过观察国内外保险实践的不同背景与实践模式,在符合我国保险行业实际需求的基础上,提出适合我国现阶段MGA发展的可行路径;其次,在不违反我国保险监管规范与《民法典》代理制度的法理解释前提下,宜通过回归保险交易本质,明确MGA所处法律地位、所涉法律关系以及所承担的法律责任;最后,宜在细化现有金融监管规则的同时,通过践行“穿透式监管理念”,压实保险公司对MGA的监管责任,以强监管辅之“私法自治”的中国特色发展模式,助力保险中介市场高质量发展。




The Realistic Path for the Development of Managing General Agents in the Digital Era

TIAN Gui-yao

Abstract:As a widely adopted practice in the UK and the US,insurers can authorize super managing general agents (MGA) to engage in full-scope insurance businesses on behalf of insurance companies.In contrast,there is disputes theoretically and within the industry whether the traditional insurance intermediaries in China can be transformed as MGA.Generally speaking,considering the direction of domestic laws and regulations,the separation of underwriting and distribution of the industry,and InsurTech innovation,there is the necessity and conditions for developing MGA to some extent.However,due to the late start of the MGA model,issues like its development model,legal definition and legal regulation haven′t been properly stipulated,giving rise to the disorder such as falsely claimed intermediary businesses.Therefore,to address these controversies,it is necessary to clarify the realistic path for developing managing insurance intermediaries in China,giving full consideration to the realistic needs of the industry in China and the differences in practices and backgrounds of the industry within and without China.In addition,with non-violation of the domestic insurance regulations and the legal interpretation of the agency system by the Civil Code as the pre-condition,we should return to the essence of insurance transactions and clearly define the legal positioning of MGA,related legal relationships and its legal responsibilities.Finally,while refining the regulatory rules on the financial industry,we should lay down specific requirements on insurers for managing MGA in line with the “look through” concept,augmenting strong regulation with “private law autonomy”,and forming a development model with Chines characteristics to promote the high-quality development of the insurance intermediary market.

Key words:managing general agents;falsely claimed insurance intermediary business;composite insurance assistant;look-through supervision
