
[中图分类号]F842.3[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)02-0003-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.02.001


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[摘   要]推行环境、社会与治理(ESG)是保险公司贯彻新发展理念的必然选择,是实现保险公司高质量发展、可持续发展的重要途径。然而,当前ESG理论显著滞后于实践,尤其是保险公司ESG领域缺乏对相关基础性问题的研究。本文在梳理相关文献基础上,搭建了保险公司ESG研究框架,以期为该领域后续研究的深入和大样本实证检验的开展奠定理论基础;基于构建的研究框架,依托对中国人寿保险股份有限公司的案例分析,系统探究了保险公司ESG的本质和动因,回答了保险公司ESG“是什么”和“为什么”的问题。就其本质而言,保险公司ESG是一种理念和标准,也是一套行业逻辑体系;就其动因而言,提出了内在发展说和监管驱动说两种假说。此外,本文也提供了优化我国保险公司ESG的若干对策建议,尝试回答了“如何做”的问题。




A Study on the Essence,Motivation,and Optimization of ESG in Insurance Companies:Based on an Independently Constructed Research Framework

HAO Chen,LI Wei-an,DONG Ying-qiu,MA Gui-jun

Abstract:The ESG initiative is an inevitable choice for insurance companies to implement the new development concept and an important way to achieve high-quality and sustainable development.However,the ESG theory lags significantly behind the practice at present,especially for related fundamental issues in insurance companies.This paper builds a research framework for ESG of insurance companies based on the review of relevant literature,with a view to providing a theoretical basis for more in-depth research and empirical testing of large samples in this field.Based on the constructed research framework,and relying on the case study of China Life Insurance Company Limited,the paper systematically explores the essence and motivation of ESG of insurance companies,answers the question of what is ESG of insurance companies and why insurance companies engage in ESG practices and disclosure.In terms of its essence,ESG of insurance companies is a concept,a standard,and a set of industry logic system;in terms of its motivation,two hypotheses,the internal development theory and the regulation-driven theory are put forward.In addition,this paper also proposes some countermeasures to optimize ESG of insurance companies in China,answering the question of how to improve the ESG development level of insurance companies.

Key words:insurance companies;ESG;research framework;high-quality development
