
[中图分类号]F842.66[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)03-0003-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.03.001


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[摘   要]本文依据我国农业保险市场发展脉络,系统梳理了实践中的关键问题和理论依据,尝试探讨现阶段经典保险理论未能有效指导实践的原因,探寻实现农业保险市场供给侧和需求侧良性互动的可能路径。本研究旨在强调,将国际农业保险理论不加改进地应用于中国农业保险研究,造成了当前理论分析与现实脱节的严峻挑战。未来需要找准根植于国情的农业保险理论研究关键问题,把握住中国农业转型期以及农业保险高质量发展战略的历史性机遇,构建适合我国国情的农业保险理论。




The Theoretical Evolution on China′s Policy-sponsored Agricultural Insurance—Concurrently on the Development of Research on China′s Agricultural Insurance

YI Fu-jin,YAN Fei-er,YANG Liu

Abstract:Based on the development trajectory of the agricultural insurance market in our country,this paper systematically examines key issues and theoretical foundations in practice,aiming to explore the reasons why classical insurance theories have not effectively guided practical applications and to identify potential pathways for a mutually beneficial interaction between supply and demand in the agricultural insurance market.It emphasizes that the application of international agricultural insurance theories in China without appropriate modifications has posed significant challenges,leading to a disconnection between theoretical analysis and practical realities.The study highlights the need to identify key research questions for agricultural insurance theory rooted in the national context,seizing the historic opportunity presented by China′s agricultural transformation and the strategic pursuit of high-quality agricultural insurance development.

Key words:agriculture insurance;theory;high-quality development
