
[中图分类号]D922.284[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)04-0112-16 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.04.009


  • 内容介绍

[摘   要]基于对保险法中最大诚信原则、对价平衡原则与民法中不真正义务理论的贯彻,《保险法》第21条确立了被保险人、投保人、受益人在保险事故发生后对于保险人的通知义务,但也对义务人主观诚信的践行程度和保险人可以主张免责之范围都做出了可能的限定。如对司法裁判进行整理,我们可知司法实践对于保险事故发生通知义务的适用前提、适用条件以及适用后果等问题仍存在争议,此外裁判者在面对法律适用疑难问题时对于法学方法论的运用也不自觉。在既有的解释论框架下有必要通过法律解释(限缩解释与目的解释)、制定法内的法律续造(类推适用与目的性限缩)、不确定法律概念与一般条款的价值补充这些几乎全套方法论的运用来解决上述司法实践中之难题。




The Review on the Judicial Application of the Duty of Loss Notice in the Perspective of the Interpretation Theory—Based on the Carding of 366 Written Judgments of Second Instance


Abstract:Abstract:Based on the principle of utmost good faith,the principle of equilibrium between premium and coverage in insurance law and the theory of unreal obligation in civil law,the Article 21 of the Chinese Insurance Law stipulates that the policyholder,the insured and the beneficiary bear the duty of loss notice,but the obligator′s performance degree of good faith and the scope of exemption is limited.We can find that disputes still exist on the applicable premises,conditions and results of the duty of loss notice in juridical practice.What′s more,the judges can not apply the methodology of jurisprudence to practice consciously when they are faced with difficult problems.In order to solve the problems under the framework of legal dogmatic,we can make use of the entire set of methodology of jurisprudence like legal explanation (such as teleological interpretation and restrictive interpretation),the creation of law within the existing legal system (such as application of analogy and purposeful limitation) and the concretion of uncertain legal concept together with general clause.

Key words:Key words:the duty of loss notice;utmost good faith;principle of equilibrium between premium and coverage;unreal obligation;methodology of jurisprudence
