
[中图分类号]D922.284;D920.1[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)05-0105-13 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.05.008


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[摘   要]依照普惠保险在理念、形式和主体及关系层面的新诉求,普惠保险的创新实践可整合为三种类型:作为普惠观念融入固有内容的保险简化实践,促进社会福利多元供给的团体保单实践,基于社会现代化治理观念的公私合作实践。即便普惠保险的创新实践纷繁复杂,其仍难脱离商业保险的本质,普惠保险的规范体系架构因而并无必要“推倒重来”。在原则层面,应结合普惠保险有关规模发展的新诉求,并顾及该保险的弱格式性,有针对性地对保险利益原则的传统内涵及类型予以逐步扩充;适当调试诚实信用原则,以实现保险人说明义务的履行方式、投保人合同解除权限制及“个别协商”条款效力认定的革新。在规范层面,应着重回应普惠保险有关公私协同的新诉求,以促进有益于普惠保险高质量发展的协同治理新范式为主线,围绕协同激励改良保险代理人资质、保险组织主体及其主导形成的协同关系相关规范;并区分公私合作的不同阶段,拓补保险法行为与责任架构,在兼顾普惠保险特殊性的基础上向保险法回归。




Consolidation of and Responses to Innovative Practices on Inclusive Insurance from Insurance Law-Based Perspective


Abstract:In line with the new demands on inclusive insurance at the conceptual,formal and subjective levels,the innovative practices of inclusive insurance can be integrated into three types: the simplification of the insurance policy integrating the inclusive concept into the existing content,the use of group insurance promoting welfare pluralism,and the public-private partnerships based on the modernization of social governance.Although these innovative practices are diverse and complex,they do not alter the fundamental commercial nature of inclusive insurance.Therefore,it is not necessary to "overturn" the existing insurance regulatory system.Instead,we should gradually expand the meaning and scope of insurable interest,taking into account the new demands of large-scale development and the lack of standardization observed in the context of inclusive insurance.Moreover,the principle of good faith should also be revised,in order to respond to the new demands regarding the insurer’s duty of disclosure,the insured’s right of contract termination and the validity of customized contractual clauses.Finally,the existing norms of insurance law should primarily respond to the innovative practices of collaborative public-private partnerships under inclusive insurance.Accordingly,it is necessary to revise regulatory rules pertaining to qualification of insurance agents,the concept of insurance organizers and the collaborative relationship they form,distinguish different stages of collaboration to regulate the conduct of insurers and government,and refine the insurance law-related behaviors and responsibility framework.In this manner,it is possible to return to the regulation by the insurance law while allowing for the unique nature of the inclusive insurance.

Key words:inclusive insurance;simplification of insurance;group insurance policy;private-public cooperation;the standard of the insurance law
