
[中图分类号]F840[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-3306(2024)06-00028-15 DOI:10.13497/j.cnki.is.2024.06.003


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[摘   要]随着我国经济社会的发展,政府单一主体开展社会治理的压力日益增大,引入商业保险等市场机制形成政府主导、多元主体参与的社会治理格局,成为大势所趋。但目前我国商业保险参与社会治理的实践缺乏,理论研究还处于初级阶段。本文探讨了政府和商业保险合作的两种典型—费用补贴模式和购买服务模式,并分析了两种模式的主要特征、适用险种领域及四条应用路径。研究发现:第一,政府在某些领域对商业保险给予财政补贴和政策支持是必要的,有助于其更好地发挥社会治理作用;第二,应在大损失、小概率险种如食品药品安全责任保险、安全生产和环境污染责任保险等领域实施费用补贴模式,而在小损失、大概率险种如社会养老、医疗保险、长期护理保险等领域实施购买服务模式;第三,对于不同险种领域实施针对性的补贴策略。




Research on Typical Modes and Application Path of Government Introducing Commercial Insurance to Participate in Social Governance

GAO Kai,DING Shao-qun

Abstract:With the socio-economic development of China,the pressure on the government to govern as a single entity has never been greater.It has become a trend for the government to invite multiple entities,including commercial insurers,to participate in social governance.However,at present,commercial insurers’ participation in social governance is quite limited and the theoretical research on this topic is still at a primary stage.This paper explores on the two modes of cooperation between governments and insurance enterprises,namely the expense subsidization mode and service procurement mode,in the respects of their major characteristics,applicable insurance fields and the four routes of application.The findings are as follows:firstly,it is necessary for government to subsidize commercial insurers on certain areas for their better playing their role in social governance;secondly,expense subsidization mode can be applied to the areas with large damages but small probability such as food and drug safety liability insurance and safe production and environmental pollution liability insurance,and the service procurement mode can be applied to the areas with small damages but large probability such as social pension and healthcare insurance,long term care insurance,etc.;thirdly,we should offer targeted subsidization policies on different insurance plans.

Key words:government;commercial insurance;social governance;cooperation modes;application paths
